We are committed to helping all students achieve their potential, and providing the wrap around support they need to successfully gain their qualifications and progress on to their next steps.
Students who are in, or have been in, the care system may face several additional challenges, so we work in partnership with carers, social workers, virtual schools and other professionals to implement a bespoke support plan that will give them the support they need. Each care-experienced student at the College is supported by a designated college team/colleague.
Newcastle Sixth Form College is committed to nurturing and sustaining a positive future for all, through an inclusive and exceptional learning journey.
Our Statement of offer to ‘care experienced’ students:
This statement of offer links with other related NCG and college policies including our care experienced student policy.
Our approach to supporting the educational achievement of care-experienced students is based on the following principles:
» Children in care are referred to as ‘Looked After Children.
» A child is ‘care-experienced’ if they are in the care of the local authority for more than 24 hours
» A child will stop being a ‘Looked After Child’ when they are either adopted, returned home or turn 18 and the local authority will continue to support children leaving care at 18 until they reach 21
» The term ‘care-experienced’ refers to a young person under the age of 25 who is, or has been, in public care for a minimum of three months, since the age of 14, and was in care on their 16th birthday
» Care-experienced students will be supported by the designated college colleague/team.