Law affects every area of our lives. It happens around us and changes on a daily basis. We are aware of how it touches the lives of individuals and its overall impact on society as a whole. This course gives you an understanding of how the legal system works, and not just what the law is. It looks at the roles of the legal professionals (solicitors, barristers, judges and legal executives), as well as how laws are made and then enforced.
Entry Requirements
You are expected to have achieved at least a 5 in a similar subject at GCSE

Learning & Assessment
Modules / Topics
The Legal System
The Civil and Criminal Courts, The appeals process, The legal profession including the role of Barrister, Solicitor, Judge, Lay people- Juries and Magistrates, Funding, Evaluation
Criminal Law
Actus Reus and Mens Rea, Assault and Battery, Grievous Bodily Harm, Murder, Voluntary manslaughter, Theft, Burglary, Robbery, Defences
Law Making
Parliamentary law making, Delegated Legislation, Statutory interpretation, Judicial precedent, European law, Evaluation
Law of Tort
Negligence, Occupier’s Liability, Nuisance, Vicarious Liability, Remedies, Defences
The Nature of Law
The distinction between Law and Morality, Law and Society, Law and Justice
Contract Law
Formation of a contract, Terms, Misrepresentation, Discharge and Remedies
Trips / Visits / Enrichment
We have regular visits throughout the year from law firms, Northumbria Police, local Magistrates, Social Services and local MPs. We also have an annual trip to London allowing students an opportunity to visit the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, and Houses of Parliament. We run weekly Mooting and Debating sessions allowing students the opportunity to hone their communication and adversarial skills.
Assessment consists of three external exams. The questions cover:
Description of a legal concept
Evaluation of a principle of law
Application of legal knowledge to a theoretical scenario
What do our students say?
Law was an interesting subject because it is so in depth it allows you to get really involved and get your teeth into the subject. I really enjoyed learning how the legal system worked and how it has developed through the years...

Read Lui Bauer's Story