Further Mathematics
Further Mathematics is designed to broaden and deepen the mathematical knowledge and skills developed when studying A-level Mathematics. It is a useful subject for students looking to study subjects such as Maths or Physics at university.
Entry Requirements
Students will need GCSE Maths at least grade 7 and also must study A Level Maths.

Learning & Assessment
Modules / Topics
Core Pure Mathematics
Proof, Complex Numbers, Matrices, Further Algebra & Functions, Further Calculus, Further Vectors, Polar Coordinates, Hyperbolic Functions, Differential Equations
Further Mechanics
Momentum and Impulse, Work, Energy and Power, Elastic Strings and Springs, Elastic Energy, Elastic Collisions in one and two dimensions
Decision Mathematics
Algorithms and Graph Theory, Algorithms on Graphs and Networks, critical Path Analysis, linear Programming
Trips / Visits / Enrichment
We expect all further mathematics students to take part in the UKMT Maths Senior Maths Challenge. We also offer entrance into the UK Mathematical Olympiad for Girls and participation in the National Cipher Challenge sponsored by GCHQ
Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics 1 (25%) 1hr 30 mins
Paper 2: Core Pure Mathematics 2 (25%) 1hr 30 mins
Paper 3: Further Mechanics (25%) 1hr 30 mins
Paper 4: Decision Mathematics (25%) 1hr 30 mins
What do our students say?
Further Maths offers a challenge and gives the opportunity to explore in depth, more complex maths with great support from staff who were always able to provide extra help and resources.

Read Sharia Behrouzi's Story